White Sage smudge stick. Each Sage bundle is wrapped with cotton string and measures approximately 4" inches and will last through multiple uses. Use sage as a natural incense, for aromatherapy, to help cleanse your home or other objects, or give as a gift to a new home owner.
Properties & Symbolism Sage is an herb that is believed to cleanse the home, objects, or individuals of stagnant or negative energy. It can also be used as an Aromatherapy agent for depression, anger, fear, and grief. Sage is also antibacterial and has been proven to eliminate airborne toxins and bacteria. Crystals can also be cleansed using Sage.
How to use your sage smudge stick: Set intention, light the herb allowing it to smoke. Focus on your intention, walk around room slowly, focus on corners, behind doors, and closets. After cleansing, you will notice your space will feel open, still and very peaceful.
For use with cleansing stones, set your intention and light the herb allowing it to smoke. Pass your Crystal through the smoke, concentrating on pure thoughts and intending the Crystal to clear and release any past or negative energy within it.
Details 4" inches